Workshops & Events

Ashtanga Yoga 5-Day Workshop

Immerse yourself in the traditional Ashtanga Yoga method guided by an authorized Ashtanga Yoga teacher with 20 years of experience.

Schedule : 19 - 23 April 2024

6.00-9.00 Morning Mysore Style Class – 3 hours (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)

12.00-15.00 Afternoon Workshop – 2.5 to 3 hours on Saturday and Sunday

Workshop topics

Jump back Jump through

Fly or float , straight arms or bent, cross legs or straight, lift up but HOW?

Where to focus, where to get the strength, what to do? All the answers and more details about the practice, tips and techniques will be found in this workshop. Ajay will teach the elements of strength and how to further improve your movements in jump back and through. Leading to a gradual progress in balancing on your hands.

Spine Mobility

Learn the fundamentals of backbends in a safe and effective way which helps to develop the strength and flexibility of spine. Focusing on basics and

gradually working on opening of the shoulders, correct breathing , drop backs movement with maximum awareness which helps the body to reach the full potential of the spine and its health.

About Ajay Tokas

Ajay has been a student of yoga for over two decades and continues to learn and teach. His source of inspiration and support comes from his mother to pursue and live a yogic life. Ajay extensively travels and teaches abroad and in India.

He has received blessings of his Guru Shri R Sharath Jois to teach and currently practices the 4th series under his guidance. Ajay guides practitioners in the ashtanga yoga tradition of Guruji Shri K . Pattabhi Jois.

For more information check links:

website :




Prices & program options:

1. Full program (5 days morning mysore style class + 2 afternoon workshops )

Regular price 300 euro

Early bird 270 euro (with Shala Card 10% discount 245 euro) *until 19 March

2. Only Weekend program (Friday – Sunday)

Includes 3 morning mysore + 2 afternoon workshops 225 euro (with Shala Card 10% discount 205 euro)  *until 19 March

3 .Only Mysore classes (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)

-All 5 days mysore style 180 euro

4. Drop ins

-Drop in mysore style class 40 euro

-Drop in afternoon workshop 70 euro

Teacher: Ajay Tokas

Date: 19-23 April 2024

Duration: 21 hours

Registration: or whatsapp 0745337650

Price: full workshop 300 euro; Early Bird (by 19 March) 270 euro; for Shala subscriptioners 245 euro


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